Wednesday, August 24, 2011

BACK in the game


Today I watched a video from Lore and the weekly marmot . The topic was tanking and threat WoW is a great game, and it has evolved over the years. Some love where it is now, some hate it, and some play it completely indifferent to the changes because they know they are just going to play the damn game anyways… well I appreciated the game mechanics from when I started to where they are now, and with millions playing it is a grueling task to try to appease that crazy population (proudly I am a member of that crazy population)


Before the new changes

Tanks - Focus on keeping attention of the boss (sustaining aggro as we call it)

Healers - Focus on keeping Party members alive

DPS (damage per second, its virgin for Damage dealt) - Focus on Killing


Tanks - Focus on Staying alive

Healers - Focus on keeping party alive

DPS - Focus on Killing things


WoW as a game has become more of a calculation than a game to most hardcore gamers. In the same fashion as one counts cards in poker or black jack this game has been broken down by players so much that you are really expected to know the formulas in order to attempt End Game content.

I don’t think they ever meant for the game to be interpreted so analytically but it has and for me that might be the worst part.

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